Tuesday, December 30, 2014


December 30th 2014

A resident consulting me: ‘Could you please have a look at this X-thorax (bedposition) and the position of the feeding tube?’
Me: ‘Oh yeah sure. It looks like its position is a bit too shallow. I suggest you should run it up a bit further.’
Resident: ‘And what is that on the right below?’
Me: ‘I don’t understand what you mean. The right of the screen, or the right of the patient?’
R: ‘The right of the patient.’
Me: 'That's air in the colon, that's normal.'
R: 'No, I mean, more to the right.'
Me: ‘Oh that… That’s air. Nothing to worry about.’
R: ‘But… in or outside the patient??’
Me: ‘Outside of course.’

To explain, as I don't have the accompanying image here;
The patient was a bit overweight (according to the x-ray findings) and the love handles rolled over each other, with trapping some air.

Welcome to Dr. Radiologica's Blog!

December 30th 2014

I recently started as a Radiology resident somewhere in the Netherlands. I grew up in the capital city, where I finished medical school. My final two internships were Radiology (of course!), and Sports Medicine.

After some job interviews, the Radiology group accepted me as their youngest radiology resident, starting as soon as possible.

That meant: finding an apartment, moving, and arrange a hundred-and-thousand things at a time. And I managed so.

With this blog, I'd like to keep some stories of the life of Dr. Radiologica. I've been working for a month now, and I already found some interesting cases and conversations with colleagues, that are worth to share.

I won't publish images from my patients, or use names from patients or colleagues, nor will I describe features that will make you recognize people.